
The Beginning of My Festival Journey

 Zelte, Zubehör &Veranstaltungstechnik

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„I had found my place. With the smouldering mix of volcanoes, beaches, and icebergs, the Arctic Circle is where regained my voice. „

The Next Chapter

Travelling through Iceland, one of the most harsh yet beautiful island countries struck me like ice through the heart. Southeast Asia got my heart pumping. Though it’s long been on the travellers’ trail, it doesn’t take too much to get off the beaten track – whether it’s to discover that perfect beach or to delve into the lush surrounds of the rainforest. Overlooking the city of Battambang in Cambodia with my DSLR at the ready, I became entranced with a million different stories I could imagine, etched on each person’s face.

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Sunset in Paradise

It didn’t have to be that perfect beach or the humid rainforest to make me realize. It was that moment of pause – to think about my passion and to realize that there would be a way to reach it after all. Anyone could do it. Why not me? My paradise is the pursuit.

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